Free CRM to Improve SEO for your business website

Free CRM to Improve SEO for your business

When the customer is the epicenter of online marketing, every plan you put into must be customer-centric to gain substantial business growth. All products/services, blogs, and other factors must be directed towards retaining and establishing a strong bond between the brand and its customers. Retention and conversion of customer are the two goals that make the efforts undergo essential. Here, Customer Relationship Management Relationship (CRM) can help your firm. Collaboration with technology and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) could propel your business sales and a surge in profits.

What is CRM?

Free CRM for SEO is an important tool that underpins the relationship between the brand and customers. It helps in generating leads thereby assisting in creating a conversion of a potential prospect. Moreover, the marketing team get an added advantage with the availability of relevant information for creating efficient strategies.

What’s its role in enhancing SEO strategies?

Firstly, Keywords are those vital elements which determine the fate of your website ranking. All the articles and blogs are created for content marketing must entail keywords with high search volume. It is necessary because with the higher rankings in Search Engine Research Page (SERP) you are getting an increased number of clicks and traffic to your website. Be it On-page or Off-page, utilizing the relevant keywords for content optimization is the key to success with SEO. Keywords suggestion and research can be done with the help of many tools available in the market. And such tools offer the keywords that are based upon the searches made worldwide on the internet. Instead of using those, target your niche market or geography and funnel the keywords which are searched by most of your customers only. But how CRM can help in this matter? It keeps track of every conversation with your clients and happens to be the major source for SEO planning. Build up a strong database and target your clients individually based upon their preferences and create the content that pays off.

Now, CRM performs the same function both in the cases of guest blogging and mining customer data from your social media outlets. As we know, guest blogging is the most powerful way of getting external links to your website and improve SEO for your website.  Talking of guest blogging, CRM helps in having a healthy conversation with many established bloggers around the world. You can use software’s data to connect with websites that allow guest writers for your webpage. In turn, guest posting could be done on their websites as well. Hence, it begets a cross-promotional activity that leads to better marketing of your brand.

When it comes to promoting your brand on social media sites, the role of CRM is inseparable. Its stores the plethora of data accumulated through the conversation with the audiences. Primarily you can use these data and start the conversation with the audiences and answer to their queries to draw more traffic.

Most importantly, CRM and reputation management go hand in hand. You can use builds and maintain a world-class reputation and maintain it for a long haul with the help of CRM. Therefore,  you can use this technology to develop brand credibility, brand advocates and thereby sustaining the online reputation.  In a nutshell, be it free CRM or a paid one, its functions remain the same. And the journey of growing your business with the combined efforts of SEO & CRM will be fruitful.